This week I’ll be attending the Mediterranean Editors and Translators Meeting 2011 (METM11), which is being held in Barcelona from Thursday to Saturday (20/10-22/10).
As you can see from the programme, it’s basically a collection of workshops and talks on translation and other things related (as you would expect, given the name of the association).
I’ll be taking part in the panel on CAT tools and will be talking about my experience with SDL Studio 2009. It should be fun, and I am looking forward to exchanging ideas with other CAT-tool users.
The other highlights for me will be the workshop on financial translation and the get together arranged for legal translators.
This will be my first MET meeting. I was signed up to go in 2009, but a nasty cat-bite that got infected meant that I couldn’t attend (it was my own cat too!).
I’ve been a member of MET for a couple of years now, and although the association does seem to have a bit of a slant towards medical translation (not my field) and sometimes an overly academic approach (for me at least, in terms of it being an association for translators, although in some respects its refreshing), there is generally always something on offer in the way of more practical CPD events for translators, and I have been impressed with the few workshops that I’ve attended.
Although I have to say, now that I think about it, I’ve been to more APTIC events through my MET membership than I have MET events, so maybe I’m in the wrong club. Oh well, at the very least this weekend will give me a chance to see what MET is really all about.